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We are the saviours to our kind We are the devout We are the enlightened We are the true rulers by right We are Drow Beware us...
The Underdark. Deepearth. The Realms Below. The Night Below. The Lightless Lands. These and many more names are given to the vast, lawless world that lies beneath the surface world, otherwise known as The Realms That See The Sun. Whatever you call it, it is a perilous wilderland of dark caverns, crevices, and labyrinthine passages. No surface dweller has ever seen all it's depths and corners, nor encountered the countless unknown beasts that lurk within it's lightlessness. ![]() ©2005 Liz Chesterman Commissioned Artwork, No Use Without Express Written Permission
Sshamath, the City of Dark Weavings, is where our "esteemed" group of adventurers hang their hats. But they have a penchant for traveling abroad, sometimes having adventures of their own, apart from the rest.
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