As the drow campaign progresses and gains more players, so too will the rules expand and change.
We are not intending to be rude by placing slight restrictions to the players, but as most will know and understand, some players can be immature, rude and/or impatient. If you are one such person, and cannot follow the simple guidelines outlined below, then please do not submit your character concept. It would be wasting our time, as well as that of other players and your own.

©2004 Suechan
Commissioned Artwork, No Use Without Express Written Permission
1. Please be detailed when filling out a character concept. The reason is simple: It helps us get back to you quicker with an answer, so that you can either make changes or schedule a session to roll up your stats (ability scores).
Do not constantly pester us about your "status". That will make you appeal to us less and beget a slower response.
In the event that you are approved, you will be asked to download AIM (unless you are already an AOLer or AIMer). We run the game sessions in AOL/AIM chat rooms, so this is a must. Once you have done so, you will be taken into a chat room to roll out your stats in front of a witness and the DM. This is explained more, in our House Rules section.
2. If you have fully completed step one, then you need to fully familiarize yourself with the campaign House Rules. We have made some minor changes and/or additions to the core game mechanics that you need to be aware of. So PLEASE familiarize yourself with them before moving any further along in the process.
If you have questions you may contact the DM or post on our Message board. The board is free to join, and is a great way to meet other players as well as find information that my not be on the site itself, like game times and so on.
You are responsible for completeing your character, so be sure to get a character sheet done and submitted to the DM. You are also responsible for keeping current with campaign news and such, so again, the boards are not entirely mandatory, but they are useful in keeping up with such infomation.
3. Due to space limitations and our work schedules, if you can do HTML, it would be best if you made your own character page (character history and character sheet) for posting on the web. Of course we will add your link to the site if you do make your own, so that people can view your character. If you cannot do HTML, then eventually we will add you to the site and design a page for you. To reiterate, we will not actually make your character, that is your job. We'll simply transfer such information as you provide onto a web-enabled character sheet as time allows.
4. Our time is heavily booked. It takes a lot to design a website, let alone individual pages, so please be kind and DO NOT take advantage of rule # 3. Do note that it may take a few weeks or more for use to make a character page for you due to the type of coding involved. So again, it is best advised that you make your own page and link back to us.
If you expect us to design one, all we are doing is setting up the coding (if you prefer graphics such as pictures and music you can submit them or ask us to find something suitable if you like our tastes), however the character content such as history, description and character sheet, have to be done by you. WE WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU! It is not our character, do not be lazy!
(Yes, rule 4 was a blatant reiteration of rule 3, placed here because so many prospective players have somehow ignored it.)
5. We, as the creators of this site and campaign, reserve the right to deny any character submission or kick out any player/character who has violated the terms in which we set. Don't like it, try the Drow Fortress, maybe they are not as pressing as we are.
6. This is a D&D campaign, not a Rhy'Din-style Guild or Forum. While yes, in some ways it may seem like one, we assure you that it is not. You are free to do with you character as you see fit within the context of our rules and guidelines. You may even game with other people and other players any time. Just bear in mind that anything done without the DM present is "unofficial" and does not count toward EXP, or even the campaign plot in most cases.
You may submit an unofficial "log" to the DM to seek approval for making it official, but he has the final say. In the event of your submission for such being accepted, it'll be catalogued with the other logs and you'll be awarded XP and/or added to the plot at the DM's discretion. This is RARE, so don't expect it to happen often.
In the event that it is denied, you may still post it on the boards in the Quest and Story line section if you wish others to partake of it.
7. There are certain rules of etiquette for our players to adhere to. They are as follows:
it is fully condoned for players to interact in such a way so long as they don't do it in front of everyone, unless everyone is agreeable to it at the time. It is up to each individual player how they want to deal with sex and violence upon another player character, the parties involved must agree to it, EVERYONE involved!
And just to note, the DM does NOT cyber with anyone in the role of an NPC, just not his thing. Other than with Xull'rae, that is, as she's his In Real Life.
This campaign is not for the intolerant. If you get offended by certain subject matter, such as sex, murder, religion, etc...DO NOT JOIN! Along these lines, make sure that you can keep player and character separate. If your character is the intolerant one, then we expect you to play him/her as you see fit but do take note that other characters make have a strong dislike for yours. At the same time, the player may commend you, depending on who you interact with.
This campaign is not for crybabies or whiners. We expect a level of maturity in all the players. If someone is pestering you please refer to the Respect the players section.
What we expect
We expect you to adhere to everything mentioned above. There are also a few more key points to remember.
In character, be fair (or unfair) as your character is designed to be, but as stated before, be tasteful and mindful of the other players. This is supposed to be fun.
If you are clueless as to what is going on, ask one of the players or DM himself in IMs. Please refrain from just barging in and being critical of a character and their actions without knowing what's going on.
Chat room guidelines
- Keep OOC (Out of character) to a minimum.
- If it is at some point stated that no OOC isallowed in a room, talk in IM's only.
- If you IM the DM and do not get a response, IM Xull'rae, she'll help you. It means he's most likely too busy at the moment.
- No interrupting someone's post deliberately. Accidents do happen and sometimes folks overlap. That is fine. Otherwise, wait until the player up to bat is finished before you begin your post.
- Pay attention to posting order. Not doing so causes gameflow to slow down, wasting valuable time. After a certain time, the DM will skip your turn if you have not gone and no one can get hold of you in IMs.
- No one is to invite friends or other players into a session chat room without the DM's permission first.
- If you leave a session because you are impatient and/or bored due to someone taking too long with their post, or for any other reason, DO NOT expect to be invited back into the chat room. If this happens more than once, you'll most likely be booted from (kicked out of) the campaign.
- Sometimes, chat rooms glitch, causing any number of problems. In such cases, please be patient. We'll re-invite you and send what you missed via e-mail if the glitch happens to boot you or crash the room entirely. Also, anytime Xull'rae gets booted from the room, stop posting immediately, and wait until her return. She is the campaign logger, and when she's not there, anything posted is not recorded.
- Too many IM's to the DM at once will slow down his interaction in the room. Bear this in mind when you IM him or expect him to post soon.
- The more players there are in a room, the slower the session will be, because it goes on a turn basis. So if there are more than 4 folks in a room, try to keep your posts shorter than 5 lines as a general rule. The DM is usually exempt from this as he has to set scenes and play several NPCs in most cases.
This campaign is for serious role players, who should be mature in nature. No we are not discriminating against any particular age group. One's physical age is oft times not a good indicator of their maturity level. We just want you aware of what we are looking for in players who want to join.
We, the keepers and creators of this site, do have lives outside and beyond the campaign. Which means we are not always available to speak to directly, but if you have a question, concern or comment you wish to express then e-mail us and we will respond to you as soon as we can. Please refer to rules 3 & 4 at the top of this page for the time frame it might take for us to respond.
Last, but certainly not least, we do reserve the right to dismiss you from game play either by probation or permanent eviction if you break any rules. Judgements will be determined based on the situation, on a case by case basis.
If you agree to and accept all terms and conditions above, then please feel free to Submit your character. If you are already a current player and have not signed up for the message board please do so, or at least have a look to see if anything important is going on! We expect people to at least keep tabs on the Game Times thread in the boards.
Page updated: January 28th, 2006

Role Playing Games by RolePlayGateway

©2001-2022 All rights reserved Descent Into Darkness {Drow Campaign set in the Forgotten Realms}.
Everything within the domain name is protected by federal laws. Any duplication in part or in full, without written consent is a violation of these laws. The material such as graphics, backgrounds and music have their own Copyrights and were free to use with permission.
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