Well if you are here then you must want to link to us or participate in a link exchange. For that, we thank you! Anyone that wants to go over the details for a link exchange, please contact us using the appropriate link on the sidebar.
Over the years we have gained some amount of fandom for our Drow Campaign site and have been asked to participate in a handful of link exchanges. Now we are proud to say that we have banners to go with any link exchanges.
It is by far our most popular site.
So far, all of our banners are made by Mike and myself, with most of the artwork being courtesy of commissions we paid for by Sue-chan, she has graciously let her use her art in this way, saying "I have no problem with whatever you do with these pictures - once I'm done with them and they're all paid for, I consider them the property of the person commissioning them. They're your characters and your picture ideas. I'm just the instrument who put them on the page. And honestly, I'm flattered you like the art enough to make them into buttons/banners!"
(We've started delving into the use of other artists we've commission, after getting permission, and will continue to do so in future).
Please browse though the banners and pick what best suits you. We will add more later and you may change graphics at any time, just do not alter them! Keeping your link text based is fine, just mail us using the contact link and let us know you linked us. The URL for linking is http://drowcampaign.roleplaynexus.com
Be kind and right click on the graphic and "Save As", saving the image onto your computer so you can upload the image onto your own website. Bandwith is costly and we will rename graphics if we find folks are abusing the use of these images and racking ours up too much.
Please enjoy!

Page Last Updated February 6th, 2006

Role Playing Games by RolePlayGateway

©2001-2022 All rights reserved Descent Into Darkness {Drow Campaign set in the Forgotten Realms}.
Everything within the domain name http://drowcampaign.roleplaynexus.com is protected by federal laws. Any duplication in part or in full, without written consent is a violation of these laws. The material such as graphics, backgrounds and music have their own Copyrights and were free to use with permission.
The material gathered and contained within is property and copyrighted to Wizards of the Coast, which is a Hasbro® owned company with its own Terms & Conditions to follow. If you wish to use any information on this site please contact the webmasters and all respective creditors mentioned in this statement. Thank you.
This site is for non-profit and commercial use is prohibited.