Most of the surface drow worship Vhaeraun. Some strike a balance between their faith and their skills at stealth, becoming a specialized sort of cleric/rogue called a Darkmask. The darkmask’s are the elite of Vhaeraun’s clergy, and they are called upon to handle very special missions of the Masked Lord.
A darkmask is a divine spellcaster skilled in the arts of hiding, sneaking, and stealing. Mysterious and secretive, darkmasks are the enigmatic special agents of Vhaeraun, flitting from place to place under the shadow of night to enact the will of Vhaeraun. They usually wear black masks and favor shades of black and gray in their clothing.
Most darkmasks have levels of rogue and cleric, but a few rangers and ranger/clerics have heeded the call of Vhaeraun. Very few arcane spellcasters become darkmasks, choosing to develop their powers along different lines.
Darkmasks rarely work together, although a rumor is circulating about one group of drow in Cormanthor that is led by four darkmasks of equal power. This group has no permanent camp and spends most of its time hunting Lloth raiders who come to the surface.

©2006 commissoned art by Corey Miller
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Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Darkfire, Pass Without Trace
Disguise Self, Skill Focus
Dark Embrace, Sneak Attack
Resist Illusions, Cloak of Shadows
Hit Die: d6
- Race: Drow or Half-drow
- Patron Deity: Vhaeraun
- Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks, Sleight of Hand 4 ranks, Survival 2 ranks
- Feats: Daylight Adaptation, Stealthy
- Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 2nd level Divine spells.
- Special: Must have survived a combat encounter against one or more clerics of Lolth.
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Profession, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope
Skill Points/Level: 6 + INT Modifier
Class Features
- Spellcasting
A darkmask continues training in divine magic while practicing his secret skills. As such, each time a darkmask level is gained, a character increases his spellcasting ability as if he had gained a level in a divine spellcasting class.
- Darkfire [Sp]
A darkmask can use the Darkfire spell once per day as a spell-like ability.
- Pass without Trace [Sp]
A darkmask can use the Pass without Trace spell once per day as a spell-like ability.
- Disguise Self [Sp]
A darkmask of 2nd level or higher can use the Disguise Self spell once per day as a spell-like ability.
- Skill Focus [Ex]
a 2nd level darkmask gains the Skill Focus feat, which must be applied to one of the darkmasks class skills.
- Dark Embrace [Su]
A darkmask of 3rd level or higher has the ability to invoke dark embrace once per day, which manifests as a mask of shadow that girds the darkmask's face. The darkmask then casts a divine spell, which is absorbed by the mask of shadow; the spell must be a touch spell or a target spell. As a free action, the darkmask may command the mask to fly at a single creature within 100 feet, at which point the creature is affected by the absorbed spell (saving throws and spell resistance apply normally to the spell) and the dark embrace ends. The dark embrace can remain for ten minutes. If it vanishes before its stored spell is unleashed, the spell is lost.
- Sneak Attack [Ex]
A darkmask of 3rd level or higher gains the sneak attack ability (as per the rogue class feature). This ability stacks with any other sneak attack features that you may have from another class.
- Resist Illusions [Ex]
A darkmask of 4th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against illusion.
- Cloak of Shadows [Su]
A darkmask of 4th level or higher can create a cloak seemingly woven out of mundane shadows. The cloak provides a resistance bonus on saving throws and a profane bonus on Hide checks equal to +1 per class level of the darkmask. The cloak lasts 1 round per class level of the darkmask and can be created once per day.
- Bladebend [Su]
This defensive ability causes the weapon of a single creature attacking the darkmask to turn back and strike its wielder. The darkmask selects the target creature as a free action. If the target creature attacks the darkmask, it makes an attack roll as normal, but the attack is made against its own AC, and if the attack succeeds, the target creature suffers the damage instead of the darkmask. This ability can be activated once per day and lasts 5 rounds. It only affects slashing and piercing weapons, and does not affect natural weapons of any kind.
Page Last Updated February 13th, 2006

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